The World Food Forum 2022: Healthy Diets. Healthy Planet.

Latest News

The UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is pleased to invite applications for exhibition booths during the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (24-26 July 2023), taking place in FAO Headquarters, Rome.
The Hub's first Food Systems Solutions Webinar on 11 May 2023 provided insights into how countries and international organizations can ensure that food labels and standards contribute to sustainable food systems.
National Convenors gather in Hanoi, Vietnam for transformative food systems dialogue - read the full summary of the session.
In preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment in July 2023, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is inviting stakeholders (organizations of Youth, Indigenous Peoples, Private Sector, Women, Producers, etc.) to complete a survey capturing their journey to the UNFSS +2  and what they have been doing to implement or support food systems transformations.
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Upcoming Events

The UN Food Systems Coordination Hub facilitates and participates in a number of multilateral dialogues, conferences and events, covering a wide range of food systems-related topics. We bring together decision-makers, experts, stakeholders and other partners to discuss the most pressing issues related to food systems so that together, we can drive global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Register for our events and join the food systems community.

فعالية افتراضية

Standards and Labels for Sustainable Food Systems Transformation

11 May 2023 | Food Systems Solutions Webinar

فعالية افتراضية

Transforming Food Systems for Planetary Health

15 June 2023 | Food Systems Solutions Webinar


Synthesis Report of the Regional Preparatory Meetings for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

In preparation for the UNFSS+2, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, in collaboration with the UN Regional Commissions and other regional partners,...

خلاصة وافية عن ائتلافات النظم الغذائية [EN]

خلاصة وافية عن المعلومات الرئيسية المتعلقة بالائتلافات المنبثقة عن قمة النظم الغذائية.

الأسئلة المتكررة حول ائتلافات النظم الغذائية [EN]

معلومات عامة عن الهيكل والغرض من ائتلافات النظم الغذائية وكيفية عملها ودعمها تحويل النظم الغذائية.

Hub Biennial Work Plan 2022-2023

The Biennial Work Plan provides strategic direction for the Hub, setting out the proposed activities, deliverables, and result matrix of the Hub’s six...

Hub Overview Presentation

High-level overview of the Hub and our work plan.

تحليل مسح الاحتياجات القُطرية [EN]

يعرض هذا التقرير نتائج مسح الاحتياجات القُطرية الذي أجراه المركز في فبراير/شباط 2022 للسماح للحكومات الوطنية بالتعبير عن احتياجاتها ذات الأولوية وتطلعاتها...