Meet the Team

Director, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Director, FAO Office of Sustainable Development Goals

Mr. Stefanos Fotiou is an accomplished expert on sustainable development currently serving as Director, Office of SDGs in FAO; under this capacity he is also serving as Director of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. Prior to joining FAO, Stefanos served 16 years in the UN Secretariat, including 6 years as Director in the Environment and Development Division of the UNESCAP as well as 10 years in the UNEP. Before joining the UN, he had worked for the private sector and academia on issues of regional sustainable development. Throughout his career, Stefanos has taken leading roles in serving international UN fora and platforms, has conceptualised and led the development of regional and national strategies on sustainable development and his work has been published and referenced. He holds a PhD in Natural Resource Economics, a Master of Science in Forestry and Natural Environment and a Master of Science in Information Systems.

Stefanos Fotiou
Deputy Director, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Sylvia Lopez-Ekra brings 20 years of experience in development, gender and migration work to the United Nations System. Sylvia first joined the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at its Headquarters in Geneva in 2002, as a project officer working on an initiative striving to mobilize the African diaspora to benefit African development and prosperity. She later led the organization’s gender coordination work for many years, during which she steered the agency’s efforts on gender mainstreaming and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse.  In 2014, she was posted in Accra as the Chief of Mission and Country Representative for the IOM offices in Ghana, Benin and Togo. She also served as the United Nations Resident Coordinator ad interim in Ghana, from December 2018 to May 2020. She was later on appointed UN Resident Coordinator in Morocco by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, a role she occupied from August 2020 to July 2022. Sylvia, is a binational of Cote d’Ivoire and France and a lawyer by training, holds a master’s degree in International Administration, with honours, from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris, France.


Chief of the Means of Implementation, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Director of Food Systems Coordination, IFAD

Ms Nadine Gbossa started her career with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva, and the United Nations Office for Project Services in Abidjan and New York. From 2004, she has held senior management positions with the United Nations Development Programme in Niger and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Italy. As Country Director, Representative and Regional head for IFAD, Nadine worked in several African countries with vulnerable communities, governments, development partners and the private sector for inclusive growth. From 2016 to 2018, Nadine headed the Global Partnerships and Policies Division in the Development Co-operation Directorate of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris leading the OECD’s development cooperation work. In August 2018, was appointed as Representative for IFAD in Nigeria, managing the largest country programme in the region. Subsequently, IFAD appointed her as Director for the West and Central Africa region leading one of IFAD’s largest investment divisions. In 2021, Nadine was appointed as Director for Food Systems Coordination in IFAD and she is the Chief of the Means of Implementation for the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. 

Nadine Gbossa
Svante Helms headshot
National Pathway Manager, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

As the Hub’s National Pathway Manager, Mr Svante Helms leads the Hub’s country assistance and coordination of country support with other food system actors. He is in direct contact with National Convenors and governments; UN agencies, IFIs, CSOs, and other actors at country level; and he is engaging with food system coalitions and networks on how best to provide country assistance. Svante is seconded by the World Food Programme (WFP) and comes from a position as Country Director for WFP in Bhutan, where he led inter-agency food system assistance to the government through close Rome-based agency partnership; food system dialogues, pathway development and translation into national strategy frameworks; connecting the climate and food system agenda and mobilising resources for the government for national pathway implementation. He brings 17 years of experience with the UN, and prior to that, Svante worked with the Red Cross, is also a founder of tech and tourism startups and an author. 


Associate Professional Officer, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr Romain Houlmann works as an Associate Professional Officer from Switzerland with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub at FAO Headquarters.  Before joining the Hub, he worked for several years as Programme Officer and Project Coordinator for Civil Society Organizations, both in Switzerland and in Latin America, dedicated to the promotion of agroecology, food sovereignty and the human right for food. He also worked for a couple of years at the Region of Latin America and Caribbean (RLC) office of the FAO as an Agroecology Officer.  Romain has a master’s degree in international development and a CAS in sustainable food systems. 

Romain Houlmann
Senior Food Systems Regional Consultant (Africa), UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr. Martin Bwalya comes with extensive experience in Africa’s development dynamics – with overarching focus on agriculture, food-nutrition security and climate-food systems. His career spans over 20 years in international development, including serving in different portfolios in the now African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) - as Head, Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Division (2009-2015); Head, Programme Development and Strategic Planning (2015-2018); and as Director, Knowledge Management and Programme Evaluation (KMPE) Directorate (2018-2022). As KMPE Director, Martin also coordinated AUDA-NEPAD’s technical support to AU countries along UN Food Systems National Dialogues. Martin is a Machinery Design and Management Engineer by training. Prior to international development work, he worked many years in machinery design and management, specialising in research-and-development (R&D) of reduced tillage equipment. Martin served as inaugural co-chair of the Global Alliance for CSA (GACSA) - 2014-2018.


Senior SDGs Expert, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Nicole de Paula, PhD, is the Senior SDGs Expert at the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, leading the work on Thought Leadership and science-policy interface. She is the inaugural Klaus Töpfer Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies for Sustainability in Potsdam, Germany, and founder of Women Leaders for Planetary Health. In 2021, she published the book “Breaking the Silos for Planetary Health: A Roadmap for a Resilient Post-Pandemic World”. She is also an advisor to the World Health Organization- South-East Asia Regional Expert Group on Environment Determinants of Health and Climate Change and one of the Scientific Commissioners of The Lancet Pathfinder Commission on decabornization.


Nicole DePaula
Knowledge Management Officer, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr. Thembani Malapela over 15 years of professional experience in Knowledge and Information Management in various institutions. Thembani has been with FAO for almost 13 years, holding knowledge management and digital agriculture related portfolios in the Partnership Office, seconded to Information Technology Division and Office of Innovation. He has extensive experience in knowledge management standards and services, knowledge strategies, communities of practices, various platforms building and management, good practices and knowledge sharing. In the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, he is leading the Knowledge Management portfolio. Thembani served as the FAO Facilitator for The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (2019-2023), for Action Line C7: E-Agriculture and sat on the advisory committee for the ICTforAg Conferences (2021-2023). Thembani holds a Master of Philosophy Degree (MPhil) in Library and Information Sciences, with the University of Cape Town, South Africa.



Senior Programme Officer, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Senior Coordinator, FAO Office of the Director-General
Mr Khaled Eltaweel has more than twenty years of professional experience in Development and International Law at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Currently, he also serves as Regional Coordinator at the Office of the Director-General of FAO. Khaled served as Chair of the FAO Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) from 2016-2018 and Chair of the Committee on Food Security (CFS) Working Group on Nutrition 2015-2018. He co-led the implementation of the CFS evaluation. He was elected vice president of the Group of G77 and China in Rome in 2017 and the UNIDROIT General Assembly in 2016. He holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and a Master of International Business Administration from ESLSCA Business school in Paris. He authored several academic books and articles and is a visiting lecturer of International Law.


Khaled El Taweel headshot
UN Food Systems Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Juana Giraldo, a UN Food Systems Specialist, plays a pivotal role in supporting the hub's coordination efforts. She actively engages and provides assistance to various stakeholders, undertakes comprehensive analysis of technical data, facilitates the collection of national reports, and develops relevant materials to support advocacy for food system transformation. A veterinary physician specializing in Environmental Management and Disaster Prevention, Juana has over eight years of experience in the humanitarian sector. In her former role as the UN Interagency Food Systems Task Force Facilitator for Latin America and the Caribbean at WFP, Juana coordinated the efforts to support food systems transformations in the region. Prior to this, working with FAO Colombia, Juana supported field teams implementing projects for the restoration of food production, enhanced resilience, and fostering peace in affected communities. She also coordinated the Food Security and Nutrition Cluster within the Humanitarian Country Team. Throughout her career Juana has collaborated with international NGOs such as IFRC, local organizations, public-private entities, and UN agencies. She holds a NOHA Joint Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Action.

UN Food Systems Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Born and raised in a coastal city in Borneo, Malaysia, Michelle's passion for agriculture and food security stems from the challenges that her country and community faced in these areas. As part of the hub, she supports the overall organization of the Stocktaking Moment and engagement with Member States and Stakeholders in support of food systems transformation. Prior to joining the Hub, she worked as a Partner and Liaison Specialist in the FAO Brussels office, supporting the engagement with Non-State Actors, technical bodies of the EU and OACPS; and later joined the World Food Forum team, leading the work of the Youth Action track – advocating for youth engagement and building capacities of youth to engage in policy processes. Michelle holds a Master's in Nutrition and Rural Development, specializing in public health, and a Bachelor's in Clinical Nutrition.


Michelle Seck
UN Food Systems Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr. Karim Abdelhamid, born in Egypt, is a Food Systems Specialist at the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, where he is supporting the operationalization of the Convergence Initiative and stakeholder engagement in pursuit of achieving food systems transformation. Prior to this role, he served as a National UN Volunteer at UNDP Egypt, where he assisted the Egyptian Government in producing and launching various knowledge products and flagship publications, such as the National Human Development Report, and supported the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, representing the CoP27 Presidency, in organizing preliminary consultations with multilateral stakeholders. During an internship at FAO, Karim was in charge of coordinating the Young Scientists Group, which focuses on providing scientific evidence and technical knowledge to various initiatives within the World Food Forum and supported the Youth Action Track in organizing key events of the 2023 Flagship Event. Karim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in Business Administration.


Communications and Advocacy Expert, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms. Kennedy Baruta has dedicated the past six years to the food and agriculture sector, specializing in integrated communications planning and execution for various international organizations. Her expertise encompasses both traditional and digital information channels, leveraging the power of storytelling to reshape global perspectives on food production, consumption, and sustainability. Currently, Kennedy manages communications and advocacy at the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. In this role, she manages the Hub's website and social media channels, creating communications products to advance SDG-based food systems transformation on national, regional, and global agendas. Prior to joining the Hub, Kennedy served as a communications specialist at a Canadian agriculture company and worked with several non-profits in the areas of youth education and health. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from the University of Calgary and is currently pursuing her Master's degree in International Management at the United International Business School.


Kennedy Baruta
Junior Professional Officer, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr Giovanni Pilato serves as a Junior Professional Officer from Italy in the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. He supports the strategic and policy work of the Hub, with a focus on the nexus between food systems, food security, environment and climate change, human rights and gender issues.  Previously, he worked with FAO in Viet Nam as Program Associate on Governance, Social Inclusion and One UN Coordination. He was also a Program Coordinator at the International Development Law Organization in Rome, working on food security and rule of law projects. Giovanni holds an MSc in Climate Change and Environmental Policy and a bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations. 




Programme Officer, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Cinar Yavuz is the Programme Officer of the Food Systems Coordination Hub, assigned by FAO. She has been with UN FAO for almost 13 years holding different administrative and operations positions within the FAO Subregional Office in Ankara, Turkey and the FAO Country Office in Islamabad, Pakistan. She has extensive experience in programme and project operations, administration and funding agreements’ finalization with different donors such as EU, GCF, GEF, JICA, USAID, FCDO and other different governments’ contributions.  Before joining the UN, she worked for the private sector in market intelligence and research areas. She is responsible for programme and project development, establishing multi trust funds, umbrella programmes, operationalizing Hub projects, finalization of funding agreements with donors and leading other administrative and operations areas of the Hub. She holds a MA and PhD in educational sciences. 


Cinar Yavuz headshot
Meriem Achouri
UN Food Systems Programme Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms. Meriem Achouri has almost a decade of experience in development, research, and civil society. She joined FAO in 2018, initially working in the resource mobilization and private sector division. Later, she shifted to the inclusive rural transformation and gender equity division, where she focused on promoting inclusivity and gender equity in rural communities. Meriem also gained valuable insights into global cooperation efforts through her experience with the south-south and triangular cooperation division . In 2023, she joined the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, showcasing her dedication to transforming food systems worldwide. Meriem holds a master’s degree in Humanitarian Action from the University of Malta's NOHA program. 


Office Assistant, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Francesca Nardiello serves as the Office Assistant at the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, assigned by FAO. She is responsible for providing administrative services and office support work to the office, digging into data, graphs and tables to find new solutions to increase operational efficiency. Prior to her current assignment in the UN, she had worked for the private sector, supervising and coordinating office operations and, previously, she had the opportunity to undertake an internship at the Embassy of Costa Rica in Italy. She holds a Master’s degree in Languages for International Communications and Cooperation.


Francesca Nardiello
Paola Conti
Office Assistant, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms. Paola Conti works with the UN Food System Coordination Hub as an Office Assistant, providing administrative and logistical support to the office and its members. After completing her degree in Modern Languages and Cultures, she received a Master’s degree in Interpreting and Translation focused on English and Arabic languages. Before joining the Hub, she worked as an administrative-linguistic assistant at the Central Directorate for Immigration of the Italian Ministry of Interior and as a freelance translator. Passionate about the Arabic language, migration issues and migrants’ rights, she attended short academic courses on international protection and asylum systems and spent some time in Tunisia and Jordan where she worked as a volunteer with refugee children. She hopes to use her personal and work skills to concretely contribute to improving lives of disadvantage people. 



Liaison and Coordination Support Consultant, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Sofia Mauceri is a junior consultant with a background in international relations and food systems. Before joining the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, she worked at the International Fund of Agricultural Development (IFAD) where she collaborated with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub on sustainable financing for food systems and supported the development of the food finance narrative. Additionally, she worked at the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg and the Italian Consulate General in Los Angeles. With a commitment to driving positive change on a global scale, Sofia is dedicated to advancing sustainable food systems and advocating for international development initiatives. Sofia also holds a B.A. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a M.A in Global Studies.

Sofia Mauceri
UN Food Systems Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms Ludovica Nesbitt is a junior consultant with a master's degree in International Relations and global studies. She is committed to collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders within the food systems domain, a dedication that has been cultivated through her extensive international encounters. Moreover, Ludovica had the opportunity to undertake an internship at the Council of Europe and later on, with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub itself, which allowed her to experience closely how international actors get to work together. With her academic background, international and practical experiences, Ludovica is poised to make a significant impact on the world stage in addressing the challenges of global food systems.


UN Food Systems Specialist, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Ms. Nozheen Murad, coming from a Kurdish background, has witnessed firsthand the vulnerabilities of food systems in fragile contexts. She is deeply dedicated to creating meaningful and impactful change. Prior to the Hub, she devoted substantial effort in the humanitarian sector, working with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), bolstering resilience of both Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees against the impacts of food insecurity. Her commitment extends to leveraging a multi-stakeholder pledge, ensuring that food assistance, food systems, and agriculture are utilized optimally to sustainably meet the immediate needs of vulnerable populations. She played a pivotal role in an inter-agency finance program, significantly enhancing agriculture productivity in towns with vulnerable populations. Her efforts resulted in the effective implementation of policies that markedly boosted rural development productivity. She also worked for CDO, a non-profit organization in Iraq focusing on empowering marginalized and abused women in the agriculture sector. Her dedication lies in empowering vulnerable communities and increasing their food production, epitomizing her mission to effect change within the realm of food system transformation. She holds a M.Sc. International Security Studies program at The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies & University of Trento. 


Nozheen Murad
Intern, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Born in Morocco, Mr Abdellatif Abdelmoula has a strong educational background in law, international arbitration, and mediation. He holds a Bachelor of Laws in Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies and is currently completing his Master of Laws in European Legal Studies with a focus on Advanced International Law, at the University of Turin. Prior to joining the Hub, Abdellatif worked for six months at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization in Turin. During this period, he collaborated on various tasks, such as the creation and development of training materials for capacity-building projects, including Rise modules, the design of online courses and their development on the e-platform Moodle and the organization of face-to-face training activities, in the fields of South South Cooperation, Decent Work, and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals.

Intern, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Born and raised in San José, Costa Rica, Ms Ximena Abrahams Ibarra earned a degree in Food Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Food and Beverage Management. With four years of experience in Research, Development, and Innovation within the food industry, she specializes in new product development, process design, raw material and packaging validation, staff training, and compliance with nutritional labeling regulations. Her expertise fuels her passion for enhancing and transforming food production to address global challenges. She is enthusiastic about networking and learning from diverse cultures, believing that innovation and exceptional outcomes result from collaboration with individuals offering varied perspectives.


Intern, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Mr Gabriele Alletta has an interdisciplinary academic background acquired through a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a Master's Degree in International Studies from the University of Roma Tre. This academic background has provided him with a profound awareness of the pivotal importance foreign affairs, diplomacy and intercultural networks play in tackling global challenges. Before joining the Hub, he dedicated himself to actively join two different civil society organizations targeting the youth with the objective of empowering younger generations and strengthening their role both within international organizations and across our society. In this role, he also participated as member of a delegation to the 2023 World Food Forum Flagship Event, thus having the possibility to watch from a close point of view how the international community is addressing and implementing food systems transformation. With a keen interest in contributing to the work of international organizations, he is committed to putting his knowledge and capabilities to work with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. During his internship at the Hub, he supports the knowledge management activities and other cross cutting work within the team.