How do coalitions support governments?
Monday, 24th July, 11:00-12:30
Coalitions emerging in the context of the Food Systems Summit in 2021 are considered as one of the Summit’s main outcomes. Two years after the Summit, coalitions are in different stages of maturity and assume various roles, e.g. as a global advocate and matchmaker, while others have started providing in-country advocacy, technical and financial assistance to food system transformation. The session will provide 1) clarification of the expected role and value of the coalitions in their support to governments 2) recognition of the different stages of maturity and roles of coalitions 3) recognition of the need for stronger inter-coalition collaboration and for integrated country support with both global and in-country food system partners.
Governments are requesting support to operationalize the food systems agenda at country level. This includes assistance to strong political leadership, capacities and coordination for food systems transformation; engagement of multiple stakeholders; translation of the current 117 National Pathways into action through operationalization, integration into national policies and plans; financing; and support to National Convenors who often have multiple and competing functions. Coalitions can play a critical role in convening and providing such assistance, keeping in mind the need to reduce the governments transaction costs in line with the Paris/Accra Declaration.
The session will focus on the following questions.
- What is the role, value, and type of assistance that your coalition is offering to governments?
- What have been the achievements of your coalition at the global and country level?
- What is your coalition doing to provide integrated and tangible assistance to governments, while reducing transaction costs to national administrations and convenors?

Mr. Adam Gerstenmier
Executive Director, Food Action Alliance

Ms. Agnes Kalibata
President, AGRA

H.E. Mr. Girma Amente
Minister of Agriculture, Ethiopia

Ms. Fatima Elhassan Eltahir
National Convenor and Secretary General of the Food Security Technical Secretariat

Mr. Christian Hofer
Swiss State Secretary of Agriculture

Ms. Paula Rojas
Executive Secretary of the Choose to Live Healthily Secretariat

Mr. Charlie Worthington
Food Systems Lead at Consumer International

Ms. Jennifer Lester Moffitt
Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, USDA
H.E. Mr. Stefan Hafstein
Special Envoy for the Ocean, Aquatic Blue Food Coalition

Ms. Claire Bury
Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission