Official Closing Ceremony
Wednesday, 26th July, 17:00-18:45
The closing session of the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment provides the opportunity to take stock of the key priorities that have emerged from the 3 days-discussion of the UNFSS+2. It advocates for urgent action at scale, to close the implementation gap highlighting the linkages to financing for development, debt relief, access to science, technology and innovation for all. The closing session as the culmination of the event will put the spotlight on key priorities for further action by state and non-state actors and next steps coming out of the discussions held during the UNFSS+2 and captured in the Call to Action.
The session will focus on the following objectives:
This session aims to convene and accelerate action towards more sustainable and resilient food systems. It is aimed at capitalizing on the political momentum generated by UNFSS+2 to further tap into the powerful role of food systems to address current crises that affect the global community.
- Elevate food systems transformation as strategic national priorities moving forward, encouraging countries to forge ahead with the implementation of their national pathways and food systems transformation vision and integrate it into their national development plans and strategies, as well as their governance and localization efforts.
- Put the spotlight on Means of Implementation (MoIs) and key enablers/levers, including Finance, Trade, Science and Technology and capacity building.
- Emphasize the urgency to prioritize resilience, climate action, adaptation, just transitions and food security, gender equality, decent work, social protection, and nutrition issues within the food systems transformation efforts at global, national and country level.

H.E. Ms. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission (AUC)

Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski
EU Commissioner for Agriculture

H.E. Ms. Jhenifer Mojica
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Republic of Colombia

Ms. Laura Suazo
Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock in Honduras

H.E. Mr. Vatimi Rayalu
Minister of Agriculture and Waterways, Fiji

Mr. Nicolás Domke Venegas
Youth Representative from SENA Group

Ms. Pramisha Thapaliya
Youth Representative from World Food Forum

Ms. Cindy McCain
Executive Director of WFP

Mr. Alvaro Lario
President of the International Fund of Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Mr. Qu Dongyu
Director-General of FAO

H.E. Ms. Amina Mohammed
UN Deputy Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. Antonio Tajani
Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation