The Biennial Work Plan 2024-2026

Following the Hub’s 2022-2023 Biennial Work Plan, the new Work Plan of 2024-2026 reaffirms the mission of the Hub to focus on serving countries through coordinating and facilitating the provision of systemic, demand-driven, customized support in translating their commitments into effective actions to reach sustainable food systems by 2030. The emphasis remains on concretely facilitating the coordination of support to countries in collaboration with agencies supporting the Hub at HQs, regional and country levels, the wider UN System, Resident Coordinators (RCs), UN Country Teams (UNCTs), and the national Ecosystem of Support (EoS) to ensure profound and sustainable impact.
This Work Plan is structured along an evolving version of key functions adopted for the 2022-2023 Work Plan recomposed into five coordination clusters. This “coordination clusters” approach facilitates a more interconnected articulation of the priority coordination initiatives over the next biennium, fostering a systems approach.
This Work Plan is structured along an evolving version of key functions adopted for the 2022-2023 Work Plan recomposed into five coordination clusters. This “coordination clusters” approach facilitates a more interconnected articulation of the priority coordination initiatives over the next biennium, fostering a systems approach.